The Technology Reseller Award for DEI is for vendors, distributors, resellers and MSPs/VARs that have made an exceptional commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, helping to create a welcoming, supportive working environment that gives employees from all backgrounds the ability to perform to the best of their ability and enjoy the same opportunities for promotion as everyone else.

Entrants should provide:

Overview of the company including when established, turnover, number of staff and awards for achievements in DEI.

Entry based around the following criteria (4000 characters - (including spaces) maximum):

  • A brief description of your company’s DEI journey to date, including information on investments, resources, headcount committed to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, plus any metrics for measuring impact.
  • Any new DEI initiatives or enhancements to existing programmes introduced in the last 12 months (e.g. employee engagement & training, staff surveys, internal DEI awareness campaigns, recruitment policies, company reporting etc.).
  • Details of the benefits of your DEI strategy on employees and the wider business (e.g. on staff morale/wellbeing, recruitment, employee participation, PR, competitive advantage, business success etc.), supported by statistics where applicable.
  • Examples of DEI promotion/advocacy to the wider world, for example through participation in industry bodies, partnerships with third parties, speaking engagements, sponsorship, awards etc..

Supporting Documents

  • You may provide TESTIMONIALS to support your entry. Multiple files are allowed but these should be combined into a single zip file prior to upload.
  • Please make sure you submit your entry using the online form. An entry submitted as a separate document will NOT BE GIVEN TO THE JUDGES.
  • The judges will only read other supporting documentation in the case of a tie so DO NOT INCLUDE here any vital part of your basic entry as it WILL NOT FORM PART OF THE INITIAL JUDGING PROCESS.
  • Please do not upload video files. If you wish to provide us with any video TESTIMONIALS to support your entry, please provide external links to your hosted video (eg. YouTube, Vimeo).

7 Amherst House, 22 London Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 2BT

01732 759 725

Kingswood Tech Events Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales. The company number is 12288414 and the registered address is Woodlands, 415 Limpsfield Rd, Warlingham, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR6 9HA.