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For any Vendor, Distributor, VAR/MSP, Systems Integrator or service provider that has made a significant contribution to Sustainability either by reducing the environmental impact of their own operations or by enabling clients to shrink their carbon footprint through the supply of a product or service with clear environmental benefits.

Entrants should provide:

Overview of the company including when established, turnover, number of staff, environmental accreditations and awards for achievements in sustainable development.

Entry based around the following criteria (4000 characters - (including spaces) maximum):

  • A brief description of what the company does and how it serves the Channel with an overview of your organisation's commitment to operating in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
  • Measurement: Outline your company’s overall strategy for the UK, include your targets and how you plan to achieve them. Provide evidence of achievements to date and what you hope to achieve in the future.
  • Reducing environmental impact: What steps have you taken to reduce your organisation’s environmental impact? This can cover all areas that have an environmental cost including supply chain optimisation, transport, travel, promoting zero waste to landfill, energy and/or water efficiency, recycling, and waste minimisation; the use of green suppliers or materials, switching to green energy or improving premises efficiency; involvement in community/CSR activities that have delivered a reduction in carbon emissions, etc.
  • Community engagement: Showcase how staff, partners, suppliers or customers have benefited as a result of being involved in specific projects. Provide evidence of any positive impact on employees and the wider impact on your local community through projects such as volunteering, pro-bono support or donations.

Supporting Documents

  • You may provide TESTIMONIALS to support your entry. Multiple files are allowed but these should be combined into a single zip file prior to upload.
  • Please make sure you submit your entry using the online form. An entry submitted as a separate document will NOT BE GIVEN TO THE JUDGES.
  • The judges will only read other supporting documentation in the case of a tie so DO NOT INCLUDE here any vital part of your basic entry as it WILL NOT FORM PART OF THE INITIAL JUDGING PROCESS.
  • Please do not upload video files. If you wish to provide us with any video TESTIMONIALS to support your entry, please provide external links to your hosted video (eg. YouTube, Vimeo).  

7 Amherst House, 22 London Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 2BT

01732 759 725

Kingswood Tech Events Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales. The company number is 12288414 and the registered address is Woodlands, 415 Limpsfield Rd, Warlingham, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR6 9HA.